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PancakeSwap New Tokens Listings on BSC

PancakeSwap is the top DEX on BNB Chain with multiple new token listings, especially crypto meme and DeFi tokens. New tokens are listed daily with high liquidity, and many new crypto gems can be found here.

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All new token listings on PancakeSwap BSC network

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New Token Listings on PancakeSwap v2 & v3

PancakeSwap is the leading automated market maker protocol for BNB Chain also known before as Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange(DEX) providing a marketplace for liquidity providers, traders, and farmers of BEP-20 tokens.

PancakeSwap started as an imitation of SushiSwap; based on the model where users provide liquidity to the exchange in return for high APY yields on for example Syrup and FLIP tokens.

One reason for the swift rise of PancakeSwap and BSC is because traders had been suffering with high fees on the Ethereum network, which made trading difficult and costly. The launch of BSC and new DEXs like PancakeSwap was a welcomed relief and saw a huge influx of traders, tokens, and projects being launched on the platform.

PancakeSwap quickly became the top exchange for BEP-20 tokens with its low trading fees, Syrup pools, CAKE token, and huge marketplace for MEME tokens and other decentralized finance (DeFi) tokens.

Wondering how to find the hottest new token listings? ListingSpy is the best tool for finding new listings on PancakeSwap.

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